Sunday, November 27, 2005

Happy New Year!

Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the first season of the Christian liturgical year. It is a time of penitence (sometimes even called "Winter Lent") where we look forward to the coming of Christ at Christmas. The traditional color is purple, although Anglican churches allow for the use of blue as an alternative color. One tradition the use of an Advent wreath, which contains four colored candles surrounding one white candle. The first, second, and fourth candles are purple or blue, and the third is pink (purple is the color of penitence, and with pink, you have a combination of purple and the white that represents hope). It starts today and ends December 23rd.

Also, I've decided to start observing the liturgical calendar on this blog. To that end, the letters of "HokiePundit" in the header of this blog will be changed to the appropriate liturgical colors of the season and, if I remember, of any other appropriate days (feast days, All Souls' Day, etc.).

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