Tuesday, March 15, 2005

TS O'Rama Isn't Going To Like This...

...but I utterly oppose reunifying Ulster with the Republic of Ireland. In fact, I intend to wear my orange sweatshirt on St. Patrick's Day (this Thursday). It's not a Protestant-Catholic thing for me (and it shouldn't be for anyone else, given that the Northern Irish tend to be Anglicans anyway), especially as I've got plenty of each in my ancestry, including Scots who were kicked out for being Jacobites and people who were literally the only Protestants in their ghetto neighborhood of mostly Irish, Poles, and Puerto Ricans. The very small amount of Irish blood I have is Northern Irish. To me, it's simple. The main people who seem to be agitating for reunification are the IRA/Sinn Fein and Americans of Irish background with a Romantic bent. The IRA/Sinn Fein are Marxists, and even the people in the Republic of Ireland apparently don't really care for them. As for the Americans, how many could really explain the situation? I haven't noticed the Irish Taoiseach demanding Ulster from the British Prime Minister lately. Perhaps most importantly, the majority of Northern Ireland appears to prefer union with Britain. Given these things, orange will be my color for Thursday.

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