Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Silly Me...

I've spent plenty of time and effort in the past trying to talk about Predestination vs. Free Will, when who else but C.S. Lewis should have already done it for me, and in just a few words? From The Great Divorce:

"For every attempt to see the shape of eternity except through the lens of Time destroys your knowledge of Freedom. Witness the doctrine of Predestination which shows (truly enough) that eternal reality is not waiting for a future in which to be real; but at the price of removing Freedom which is the deeper truth of the two. And wouldn't Universalism do the same? Ye cannot know eternal reality by a definition. Time itself, and all acts and events that fill Time, are the definition, and it must be lived. The Lord said we were gods. How long could ye bear to look (without Time's lens) on the greatness of your own soul and the eternal reality of [the saint's] choice?"

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