Saturday, April 06, 2002

It just occurred to me, but I wanted to thank the Comedy Central network for being there on September 11th. Coming from my Zoology class at 9:30, I was one of the people in my Physics class that hadn't heard about what had happened. The professor stood up and said something like "I'm sure you've all heard by now...." I hadn't, and I thought it was just a sick build-up to a physics problem (I'm told that another Physics teacher that day actually did do a problem on it). I couldn't concentrate (I have family in New York, and my own immediate family lives in Alexandria, only a few miles from the Pentagon), and so I just got up after about ten minutes and went back to my dorm. I spent about an hour in my RA's room watching the news, had lunch, and then went back to my own room. At this point I just wanted to think about something else, and so I turned on the TV. CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, and CNN all had their news programs permanently on. Networks like USA and TBS were doing the same thing. Even VH1 and MTV had commentary. Finally, I got to Comedy Central (channel 57 on campus, the highest), and they were just starting Coming to America, the great Eddie Murphy movie. For two hours, I escaped reality and put my mind at ease. No other channel realized that normalcy is what some of us wanted, and so I'm indebted to Comedy Central for their kindness.

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